Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Edward Mandell House Essay

Edward Mandell House (1858-1938) was a United States statesman and influential adviser of President Woodrow Wilson. House was born in Houston, Texas. His father was a banker. After attending Cornell University, he managed his inherited cotton plantations after his father has died and entered Texas politics due to his acquired wealth from his father. He was often called â€Å"Colonel House† because he held the rank of colonel on the staff of the governor of Texas. In 1912, Edward House played a major role in the nomination and election of Wilson to the presidency. As a personal representative of Wilson, Edward House tried to arrange peace negotiations in the early days of World War I. After the United States entered the war, he conferred with Allied statesmen on war aims and strategy. Edward House helped draw up Wilson’s Fourteen Points and the covenant of the League of Nations. He was a delegate to the Paris of Peace Conference in 1919. Edward House’s friendship with Wilson ended after he unsuccessfully urged the President to revise the Treaty of Versailles in order to secure its ratification by the United States Senate.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Manifest Destiny Essay

The belief in Manifest Destiny, America’s right to expand westward, was popular among the Democratic Party, which paved the path for conflict in U.S. politics. In the 1840’s, Manifest Destiny was used as justification for the annexation of Texas, the war with Mexico, and to acquire portions of Oregon from the British. The debate over whether America really had a manifest destiny to expand all the way west or if it was used as an excuse to acquire more land led to debates in U.S. politics. Advocates of manifest destiny, mostly democratic, argued that the U.S., as a more advanced culture, had a God-given right to expand its borders. They believed the expansion would civilize the West and America’s democratic, cultural, and religious values would benefit the Native Americans. In addition, supporters would argue that the belief would strengthen the union, making it invulnerable. On the opposing side, consisting mostly of the Whig party, the God-given right to expand all the way westward at the price and rights of thousands of innocent natives was blasphemy. The Whig party was not manifest destinies only critic, abolitionist, fearful of slavery spreading, argued that the constitution did not give the country the right to gain new land and the country’s vital institutions would suffer as A merica was spread too thin. Look more:  essays on manifest destiny Texas’ sought to join America as a new state, after it gained independence from Mexico and had a revolution. The process of expansion in which newly democratic and free states would seek entry into the United States, rather than the U.S. extending its government over unwanting people was ideal. The Democratic Party was threatened to fall apart if Texas entered the Union, as it would become another slave state and this forced both Presidents Jackson and Van Buren to decline Texas’ plea. During the election of 1844, both Henry Clay of the Whig Party and Van Buren of the Democratic Party were against the annexation of Texas, this displeased the Democrats as they wanted to gain Texas so they dropped Van Buren in favor of James Polk, who was for adding Texas as another slave state. Polk cleverly tied Texas’ annexation into the Oregon dispute, the controversy over Oregon’s border. In 1846 the dispute was settled over the Oregon Treaty where the British relinquished its holding to the lower Colombia basin. This appeased expansionist in the north, who fought for Oregon and expansionist in the south, who focused primarily on Texas. After Polk’s election, he moved to occupy a free portion of Texas that was still claimed by Mexico. This sparked the Mexican-American War in 1846, were there were calls for â€Å"All Mexico†, mostly from Eastern Democrats, however Mexico’s annexation brought up much debate. If Mexico were to become a part of the United States it would mean millions of non-white Mexicans would become U.S. citizens, something Americans were not too keen on. The racist aspect of Manifest Destiny considers inferior Mexicans unqualified to become Americans whereas the mission aspect of Manifest Destiny dictates that Mexicans would become improved under American democracy. The â€Å"All Mexico† movement quickly abated with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848 which granted Alta California and Nuevo Mà ©xico to the United States, both of which were sparsely populated with Mexicans. After the Mexican-American War ended in 1848, disagreements over the expansion of slavery made further annexation by conquest too divisive to be official government policy. The belief in Manifest Destiny in the 1840’s greatly influenced both U.S. politics and policy and is to blame or thank for Americas expansion from â€Å"sea to shining sea.†

Digestion and Important Functions

Anatomy &  Physiology Digestion is the process by which food is broken down into smaller pieces so that the  body can use them to build and  nourish cells and to provide energy. Digestion involves the mixing of food, its movement through the  digestive tract (also known as the alimentary canal), and  the chemical breakdown of larger molecules into  smaller molecules. Every  piece of food we eat has to  be broken down into smaller nutrients that the body can absorb, which is why it takes hours to fully digest food. The digestive system is made up of the digestive tract.This consists of a long  tube of  organs that runs from the mouth to the anus and includes the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, together with the liver  , gall  bladder  , and  pancreas, which  produce important secretions for digestion that drain into the small intestine. The digestive tract in an adult is about 30  feet long. Mouth and Salivary Glands Digestion – begins in  the mouth, where chemical and mechanical digestion occurs. Saliva or spit, produced  by the salivary glands (located under  the tongue and near the lower  Ã‚  jaw), is released into the mouth.Saliva begins to break down the food, moistening it and making it easier to  swallow. A digestive enzyme(called amylase) in the saliva begins to break  down the carbohydrates(starches and sugars). One of the most important functions of the mouth is  chewing. Chewing allows food to be mashed into a soft mass that is easier to swallow and digest later. Esophagus – Once food is swallowed, it enters the esophagus, a muscular tube that is about10 inches long. The esophagus is located between the throat and the stomach. Muscular  wavelike contractions known as peristalsis push the food down through  the esophagus to the stomach.A muscular ring (called the cardiac sphincter) at the end of the esophagus allows food to enter the stomach, and, then, it  sque ezes shut to prevent food and fluid from going back up the esophagus. Stomach – a J-shaped organt hat lies between the esophagus and the small intestine in the upper  abdomen. The stomach has 3 main functions: to  store the swallowed food and liquid; to mix up the food,  liquid, and digestive juices produced by the stomach; and to slowly empty its contents into the  small intestine. Small Intestine – Most digestion and absorption of food occurs in the small intestine.The small intestine is a narrow,  twisting tube that occupies most of  the lower abdomen between the stomach and the beginning of the large  intestine. It extends about 20 feet in length. The small intestine consists of 3 parts: the duodenum (the C-shaped part), the  jejunum  (the coiled midsection), and the ileum(the last section). The small  intestine has 2 important functions. First, the digestive process is completed here  by enzymes and other substances made by intestinal cells, the pancreas, and  the liver. Glands in the  intestine walls secrete enzymes that breakdown starches and sugars.The pancreas secretes enzymes into the  small intestine that help  breakdown carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. The liver produces  bile, which is stored in the gallbladder. Bile helps to make fat molecules (which otherwise arenot soluble in water) soluble, so they can be absorbed by  the body. Second, the small intestine absorbs the nutrients from the digestive process. The inner wall of the small lintestine is covered by millions of  tiny fingerlike projections called villi. The villi are covered with even tinier projections called microvilli.The  combination of villi and microvilli increase the surface area of  the small intestine greatly, allowing absorption of  nutrients to occur. Undigested material travels next  to the large intestine. Large intestine – forms an upside down U over  the coiled small intestine. It begins at the lower rig ht-hand side of the body and ends  on the lower left-hand side. The large intestine is about 5-6 feet long. It  has 3 parts: the cecum, the colon, and the rectum. The cecum is a  pouch at the beginning of the  large intestine. This area allows food to pass from the small intestine to the large intestine.The colon is where fluids and salts are absorbed and extends from the cecum to the rectum. The  last part of the large intestine is the rectum, which is where feces(waste material) is stored before leaving the body through the anus. The main  job of the large intestine is to  remove water and salts (electrolytes) from the undigested material and to form solid waste that can be excreted. Bacteria in the large intestine help to  break down the  undigested materials. The remaining contents of the  large intestine are moved toward the rectum, where feces are stored until they leave the body through the anus as a  bowel movement.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Patient Autonomy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Patient Autonomy - Essay Example It is not mere desiring but evaluation and weighing of alternatives by a person and selection based on her priorities. There are many ways we can discuss patient's autonomy. Discussion on medical confidentially usually focus on tension between physician's responsibility to keep patients secret and a physician 's legal and moral duty, on occasion, to reveal such confidences to their parties, such as families, employer, public health authorities, or police authorities. Confidentially serves as dual purpose. Firstly, it acknowledges respect of patient's privacy. Patient's most personal physical and psychological secrets are kept confidential to decrease sense of shame and vulnerability. Secondly, it is important in improving healthcare. Promise of confidentially permits people to trust and thus patient are encouraged to communicate honestly and forth rightly with their doctors, which is most important for their treatment. According to Siegler (597) challenges to confidentially arise because of patient's personal interest in maintaing confidentially come into conflict with his personal interest in receiving best health care. Modern high technology health care is available principally in hospitals which require many trained and socialized workers. And thus in order to provide best health care patient's medical records need to reveal to these workers. Again these treatments are very costly and can be afforded by few patients only. So it becomes essential to grant access to patients medical records to persons who are responsible for obtaining third party payment like chart viewers, financial officers, insurances advisor and quality care assessors. Siegler suggests some possible solutions to confidentiality. Those are: 1. In all nonbureaucratic, noninstitutional counters care should be taken to guaranty safety and confidentiality of patient's records. 2. Access to patient's records should be provided to only "need to know" persons. At some point most of patients should be given opportunity to review their medical records and make choices about which records to make available to everyone. This can be done by dividing entire records in different sections like medical and financial section. So only health professionals have access to medical information. But again keeping all records different leads to complexity in analyzing patient's problems. Thus Author want to tell that principle of medical confidentiality described in medical codes of ethics no longer exists. And by devoting attention to determine aspects of confidentiality worth retaining, public and profession can be better served. Truth- telling Should patients know the truth Is a very difficulty question that confront physician. According to Collins (605) telling the whole truth is often to perpetrate a cruelty of which many are incapable. This is particularly true of physician and if not they soon learns that art of medicine consist largely in skillfully mixing falsehood, and truth in order to provide patient with an amalgam which will make the metal of life wear and keep men from being poor shrunken things, full of melancholy and indisposition, unpleasing to themselves and to those who love them. Based on experiences Collins (609) conclude that the patients do not want to know the truth about their maladies and that it is prejudicial to their well being to know it. No one can

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Michelangelo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Michelangelo - Essay Example culture of fifteenth- and sixteenth-century Europe is represented as a repudiation of medieval values in favor of the revival of the culture of ancient Greece and Rome† (Campbell, 2004, v-vi). The period is characterized primarily by a renewed focus on the symbolism and skill represented in the artworks of the ancient world. To the people that faced these remnants every day, such as the people who lived in Rome and other parts of Italy, the remains of buildings and statuary from the ancient world represented a golden age of shared culture, reason and creativity throughout the region. This refocus on the classic styles, subjects and artistic knowledge are exemplified in the works of Michelangelo Buonarroti who learned his art in the capital of this flowering rebirth, the city of Florence. An understanding of his life helps to indicate the great sensitivity he had in undertaking his many works of art, including painting, sculpture and architecture. Michelangelo Buonarroti was actually born in the town of Caprese in 1475, but was moved to Florence soon after his birth when his father lost the governorship of Caprese one month after his birth. Because of his mother’s constitutional frailty, Michelangelo was given to a wet nurse who turned out to be the daughter and wife of stonecutters, giving the small Michelangelo his first introduction to the stone and tools that would one day make him famous, a beginning he would never forget. â€Å"If I have anything good in my talent, this has come to me from having been born in the purity of the air of your Arezzo countryside; and also from having received with the milk of my wet nurse, the chisel and hammer with which I make my figures,† Michelangelo told his friend and biographer (cited in Labella, 1990, p. 44). His mother died when Michelangelo was only six, and he remained distanced from the rest of his family throughout the remainder of his life as his brothers born bot h before and after him were raised

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Channel Managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Channel Managment - Essay Example In the contemporary world, people recognize the importance of working in a team. A team is a group of people that are brought together by a common task or responsibility. As there are different qualities present in different kinds of people, they are usually utilized to the maximum extent while working in a team. This is the reason there is much emphasis paid on working as a team; to incorporate the maximum effort from different resources. In this project, we have been asked to prepare a class debate on the effectiveness of channel management and the practices that are being used in it. In order to conduct and effective debate, we made sure we divided the work according to the qualities a person in a team had. It was made sure that equal amount of work was given to everybody so that there is no cognitive dissonance or dissatisfaction on the part of the team members over working. The whole team was asked to work on the research for the relevant material and the proof reading of the researched work was my responsibility. This was done to ensure that the quality of material that was being used does not deviate from the standards and was at par with the upmost standards. To make sure that the information was valid and comprehensive, much emphasis was paid on gathering information from scholarly reports and magazines that have repute in the eyes of others on the basis of their quality. Articles were searched from known writers to ensure credibility and authenticity. The collective work of the team included preparing strong debatable points that were needed to be presented in front of the audience and the tutor. It was the collective of all the group members to prepare the presentation material and it was made sure that all the members were informed of every piece of information that was gathered so that everybody was equally prepared to give in suggestions about the debate and the benefits. Another important task that was divided among the group members was the gathering of information that was required to prepare the whole report. Evaluation of information was done by making sure that the information that was being gathered was from reputable sources and scholarly; so that there is no doubt about the authenticity of the information. Evaluation of information is generally done on the quality and source. To make it free from partiality one has to make sure that the source that is being used should be a third party presenting an opinion so that there is no element of biasness and the information is pure. Similar procedures were used to evaluate various literature sources that in the end helped us to make our report bona fide. Preparation of debate is an entirely different process. It involves brainstorming sessions and cross questioning so that all the queries of the prospective audience are answered in such a way that they don't get a chance to object and get persuaded without any doubts in their minds. Therefore, all the above were practiced to ensure that there were no loopholes left in our debate that was to be presented in front of the class. Introduction Channel management basically means the management of various entities that are working in cohesion at different steps in businesses in the supply chain. In other words, it can be called as the supply chain

Friday, July 26, 2019

Title Why is the idea that 'the personal is political' central to Essay

Title Why is the idea that 'the personal is political' central to Feminism - Essay Example In fact that women must be considered 'not men' and hence not deserving of the rights and the power of men is where the theories of gender actually begin. And this is a tendency across religion, class and nationality. What is shocking is the extent of this historical awareness across borders and races and cultures. From ancient European cultures to the new economies of the twenty-first century, the unilateral devotion of men to keep women disenfranchised is unique and at the same time appalling. There is no culture/country, except a few extant tribal communities where matriarchy prevails, that is not guilty of exploiting and suppressing the other ( an inevitably female) gender. It can be safely concluded that across historical time and geographical borders if there is one thing that has bound cultures and tradition it is the way all of them have been found wanting in their treatment of women. "The term 'feminism' has many different uses and its meanings are often contested. For example, some writers use the term 'feminism' to refer to a historically specific political movement in the US and Europe; other writers use it to refer to the belief that there are injustices against women, though there is no consensus on the exact list of these injustices. Although the term "feminism" has a history in English linked with women's activism from the late 19th century to the present, it is useful to distinguish feminist ideas or beliefs from feminist political movements, for even in periods where there has been no significant political activism around women's subordination, individuals have been concerned with and theorized about justice for women. So, for example, it makes sense to ask whether Plato was a feminist, given his view that women should be trained to rule (Republic, Book V), even though he was an exception in his historical context.1 So in that sense the rise of feminism as an organized movement is only in keeping with the historical materialism of a gendered world. In other words, Feminism was an historical inevitability. What modern feminism has actually done is to trace the theories of gender, back to their origins, put them into context and understand the larger design that has helped disseminate the theory of the women as inferior. This design is called patriarchy which, to put it very simply, means a prevalent worldview that unquestioningly puts man at a superior potion vis--vis women. Its so prevalent that is was almost considered natural and hence in some conservative schools of thought, with divine sanction. What feminism has successfully

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Faisal - Operational and process management Essay

Faisal - Operational and process management - Essay Example The paper also described views on how this company can better their stand in the crowded footwear industry and end up being a stronger competitor to its key challenges in its business environment. The paper presented a number of models and theories for both the analysis of the prevalent systems at Crocs, and offered insights on how they can integrate into success and create a more stable company. The paper also portrayed different perspectives by providing postulations against vertical integration as strategy to gain competitive advantage. 1.0 Introduction Crocs, Inc. was initiated in the year 2002 in Colorado and is arguably one of today’s fastest growing brands and organisations at the world level. The company initially produced footwear for all age categories under the same brand and is now sold well in over 100 countries. The brand features a special kind of plastic that is softened by body heat of the individual wearing the shoe, resulting in high degree of comfort. Sales for the company jumped 256% in 2006 (Thompson, 2006). There has been much discussion about Crocs’ success and besides the popularity of its shoes, the major reasons for the enormous growth of the company has been its efficient chain supply management. Crocs, Inc. has shown that being flexible and being focused on digressing from the conventional norms of the industry, they could achieve more success and profits than their peers (Ashkanasy and Wilderom). This efficiency was the result of their Chief Executive Officer’s vision of satisfying customers by developing an ultra efficient process of production that would facilitate the company to make and supply at short notice, hence creating a competitive advantage in the industry. The Crocs supply chain has been revolutionary in footwear production but there is need to evolve in line with changes in the global industry environment. In the long run, a conventionally thinking organisation has no future. Alteration in technol ogy, delivery procedures, customer demands, and legislative policies demand that a company focuses on its core competencies rather than venturing into all possible diversification schemes. 2.0 Industry analysis By the use of the Product Life Cycle (PLC) concept (Waters and Water, 1999), it is quite visible that the footwear industry as a whole is near saturation and this is likely to run for a long time. It is least likely that the demand for footwear will fall significantly but there are possibilities that with the development of cheaper and more durable products, the industry’s profitability will decline after some time. Using the following Five Forces Model analysis of the global footwear market, the following observations can be made. 2.1 Entry Barriers Entry barriers are engineered to elbow out potential starters from entering a market. These barriers seek to serve the monopoly powers of the incumbent organisations in that industry, thereby maintaining monopoly margins. Some known barriers include limit pricing, patents, cost advantages as well as marketing and advertising among others. This industry appears to offer relatively easy entry for new participants. The advantages of cost are fairly low with quite a large number of players locally and globally. However, it is worth noting that the manufacturers have significantly easy access to factors of production, particularly raw

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Clinical Case Study (Community Nursing in Aged Care,Gerontology) Essay

Clinical Case Study (Community Nursing in Aged Care,Gerontology) - Essay Example According to Ford (2004), elderly have been increasingly the focus of health and social care policy, particularly on their continuing needs of care, which are met in a variety of setting such as their own home, supported housing, residential care, nursing home or hospital. Mrs. Howard, a 72 year old widow, is referred by a concerned neighbor. At the time of visit, it is noted that Mrs Howard is slow to answer the door, and dressed with unkempt appearance. Her house is tidy but her bedroom is unmade. Her gait is slow but steady. It is noted that the refrigerator of Mrs. Howard has no food, and the kitchen is tidy. Mrs. Howard’s medication are sitting on the kitchen bench. Mrs. Howard complained of feeling very tired and she is having difficulty getting out of bed in the morning. She added that she has to get up to the toilet at nighttime. She has not been feeling hungry and has lost a little weight, hasn’t been preparing meals, has not been out for shopping or visiting friends in a few weeks. Mrs. Howard gets confused about how many tablets to take. Her medications were Lanoxin 125, Naprosyn 250 mg, Urex 20 mg, Mylantas, Agarol, Panadol, and Garlic. In older clients, the possibility of developing adverse drug events is increased for the reason that several co – morbidities are observed in the elderly whom multiple medications are prescribed (Hamilton et al., 2009; Woodhouse, 1997). Hamilton et al. (2009) added that this risk is compounded by changes related to age such as physiology and composition of the body influencing drug handling and response. It is also important to note that as the person grows old, the sleeping pattern changes as well. A marked heterogeneity in health status and functional capacity in the elderly makes decisions in prescribing more complex and challenging (Hamilton et al., 2009). The following are the drugs prescribed to Mrs.

The shift from the concept of Personnel Management to the concept of Essay

The shift from the concept of Personnel Management to the concept of Human Resource Management - Essay Example Modern business entities have adopted human resource management because it facilitates improved performance in the organization (Price, 2007). It does so by following the HR cycle which consists of employee recruitment and selection, benefits and compensation management, training and performance management (Thompson, 2014). In selection and recruitment, the right mix of employees is recruited and deployed. Human resource management helps in analyzing resumes and interviewing job applicants within an organization. Through this, the best candidates are employed. Every organization has a duty to attract, recognize, motivate, and retain the most competent members of staff. It is the duty of the human resource department to ensure that employees with high value within an organization are identified and compensated effectively as a way of encouraging them to continue working with the organization (Fleming, 2000). The human resource department should put in place the most effective remunera tion policy to satisfy all employees. With fast changing technology, employees in every organization need to update their skills and attributes frequently. It is the duty of the human resource management to ensure that employees are trained so as to meet their current and future roles in the organization. New employees may also be trained so as to align their skills with their jobs (Thompson, 2014). Human resource management also sets and communicates the organization’s goals to employees. This is done through performance management which helps employees to put their efforts where they are required the most within the organization. Human resource management collects and disseminated information related to all employees. It may also organize social events to enhance cooperation among employees (Thompson, 2014). Effective use of complete HR cycle is instrumental to organization’s performance. Small organizations that have no specialists in human resource staff have line

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Final Op-Ed Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Final Op-Ed - Essay Example However, states can force all public schoolchildren to be vaccinated for disease. Though most think mandatory vaccinations is a matter of public safety therefore a good idea, others, at least in some circumstances, think it an example of government overreach. The latest controversy involving forced vaccinations was during the Republican primary election earlier this year when the subject of HPV became part of the political discussion. The virus is spread by sexual contact and can cause cancer. While some parents were in favor of mandating the vaccine, other objected on moral grounds reasoning that making sex a little safer would encourage students to engage in sex. The larger question is should the government mandate vaccinations at all? Yes say the vast majority and for sound reasoning as opposed to the â€Å"reasoning† offered by those opposed to the HPV vaccine. While some oppose forced immunizations due to religious and personal reasons it is the responsibility of society to protect its children by mandating students receives vaccinations. The government is the vehicle that society uses to enforce necessary protections. Society draws a legal distinction between adult and minors. Children are shielded from harms as much as possible. Mandatory vaccinations have been required for public school attendance since anyone can remember because parents do not want their children to be ill, whether stricken with a common cold or polio. It is a socially responsible act. Immunizing all children does not sacrifice their civil liberties. Some parents object but simply because some people do not bother to research the consequences of not allowing their child to have vaccinations should not condemn all other kids at school to being exposed to crippling illnesses. The issue of government intrusion into people’s private affairs is a valid one but is a different discussion when

Monday, July 22, 2019

A Swimming Adventure Essay Example for Free

A Swimming Adventure Essay Awaking early, I decided to sit on the screened porch and watch the Florida sun come up. Within a very short time as I sat there, the sun peaked on the horizon as it gradually awakened from its night of slumber. The dew sparkled like diamonds as the suns rays tenderly caressed the grass. Off in the distance, I could hear the world spring to life as the birds began to sing a spectacular melody, growing louder and louder as each bird began to chirp in unison, like a choir singing in church on Sunday morning. A new day had dawned and I remember thinking how magnificent the birds song was and what a wonderful day it was going to be. Returning to my duties as a mom, I started making breakfast for my children, who would wake shortly wanting to eat. Within a few minutes, the wonderful aroma of the pancakes and bacon cooking on the stove gave way to the sound of pitter-pattering little feet as they hit the floor. My children Michael, Laura and Misty were awake and joined me in the kitchen. I seated the children; gave them their breakfast and told them that it was going to be a very hot day and if they ate all of their breakfast and cleaned up the toys, I would take them to the beach to go swimming. The children, bustling with excitement over the news, hurriedly ate their breakfast and started cleaning up their toys while I cleaned the kitchen. Around noon, the temperature was a blistering 95 degrees as we packed a cooler with sandwiches and drinks. We loaded the trunk with our chairs and headed off to the beach. On the way, we saw a black and white cat racing across the street chasing a gray mouse. We played a game called I Spy and sang songs to pass the time. Growing closer to the beach Michael spied a snake lying in the road, and asked, Why is the snake lying in the middle of the road mommy? The snake  was dead and not wanting to upset him, I replied, The snake is basking in the sun so it can get warm. It was not long before we had reached our destination. Anticipation filled the air as we found the perfect spot and unloaded the car. The children helped set up the chairs and then headed off to swim. Deciding to relax a few minutes, I took in the peaceful views that lay before me. The beach was covered with white sand and on each side of the swimming area were large boulders and rocks that had been piled up. There were several covered tables and a bathroom area. Many people were playing in the water while others were lying on their towels and blankets on the sandy beach. A volleyball game was taking place a few yards away and I remember thinking how hot it was as the glaring sun beat down on everyone. Watching the children playing in the surf, the waves from the shore looked fun and almost childlike as they crested and then crashed over one another. I could taste the salt in the air and watched little rainbows glisten through the prisms of the oceans spray. The warm ocean water toward the shore was covered with foam and bubbles from the rumbling waves as my children and other families played in the gritty sand of the Gulf. I watched the seagulls swoop  down as a child threw small pieces of bread up in the air. The sea gulls were white and gray and had a long orange beak. I remember thinking to myself, This is going to be a perfect day. The children are playing and laughing in the ocean and call out Come on mom, come and play. I start towards the water trying not to step on any of the tiny hermit crabs as they emerge from their sandy homes in search of scraps. I reached the water; no crabs injured and plunged head first into a two-foot wave coming to shore, hah! How refreshing. My children and I are swimming and playing together in the cool refreshing water. I lift them one by one tossing them slightly in the air and letting  go, I hear them shriek with delight as they plummet towards the water with a splash! This exciting activity is repeated several times until my arms give out and I am forced to take a break, much to the dismay of my children who are having a wonderful time. I stand there in about three feet of water when my children come up with another exciting game; they start swimming through my legs playing mommy is a bridge. I remember thinking boy! I wish I had their energy. After resting a few minutes I picked them up, placed them one at a time on my back and began to swim; we slowly swam under the blue water and up again and I could hear them giggle with excitement and say Do it again mommy, do it again. A short time later a commotion broke out interrupting our games, I struggled to hear what everyone was shouting about and saw people running to the waters edge and pointing about fifty feet from where the children and I were playing. Looking in the direction they were pointing, a  man with his daughter in tow yells, SHARK! without hesitation, I yelled to my son, Michael, get out of the water! I grabbed Laura and Misty and headed to shore. My adrenalin pumping we reached the shore incredibly fast, like a bolt of lightning streaking across the night sky. Only when we were safely on shore did we look back to see three fins just skimming the surface of the water. I stood there stunned and shocked watching the fins, wondering what kinds of sharks they were and very grateful that everyone was in one piece. A few minutes later, the fins disappeared beneath the surface and everyone was treated to a wondrous sight, there off in the distance, were three dolphins jumping high into the air and making a big splash as they entered the water. The dolphins took turns jumping and playing; sometimes they would jump in unison, as if dancers in a chorus line. As fast as they had appeared, the dolphins slipped beneath the waves and headed out to sea. I wondered if the dolphins laughed to themselves; thinking about how they had scared the two-legged creatures from the water  or if they were just as curious about us as we were of them. With the all clear, we headed back into the water and continued swimming and playing games. A short time later, the children became hungry so we decided to get something to eat and drink. The ham and cheese sandwich tasted good and the Pepsi was refreshing. As we ate, the children began to get goose bumps so I covered their shoulders with a blanket. Hours later, the sun setting, we gathered our belongings, packed up the car and ventured home. The children tired from a full day of fun and games fell asleep quickly. Not wanting to wake the children, I turned off the radio and listened to the hum of the motor as we made our way home. Later as I lay in bed I replayed the days events in my mind, from the stunning sunrise, the splendor of the birds as they sang, the laughter of they children as the played, the show of the dolphins, the beauty of the beach and the setting sun, I thanked God for all the wonderful gifts he had given me. THE END Graded and Corrected A+ paper The teacher wanted us to write an essay about something that happned in our lives. I scored a 94% on this essay due to poor punctuation, which has since been fixed.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Dissociative Identity Disorder Case Study for Interventions

Dissociative Identity Disorder Case Study for Interventions Elizabeth Flores STUDY Claireese Jones is a 16 year old African America teenager living in Harlem, New York. She is the only child of Mary Jones. Claireese has two children, one boy and one girl. Claireese daughter, Mango, is four years old and is diagnosed with Down syndrome but lives with Claireese grandmother. Her youngest son, Abdul is eight months old. Claireese is attending, Each One, Teach one, Alternative School and is currently in the eight grade. She is currently not working. B. Setting Harlem’s Women Center is a shelter for women who have children and were physically or mentally abuse. They work with women to reduce the physical, psychological and emotional trauma and the recurrence of domestic violence, sexual assault and incest experience by many of their clients. They work to secure their physical, emotional well being, individual freedom and economic equality. The agency offers counseling, legal services, childcare services, parenting classes, support groups and job readiness and job placement for their clients. The agency receive 97% of their revenues from government grants. C. Reason for referral Claireese was referred because she was recently homeless and was placed in a halfway house. She was referred by Ms. Rain, her teacher, who reported that she found Claireese in school, sleeping with her 3 day old son because her mother tried to kill her when she return home from the hospital. Claireese needs various services so she can eventually get her own place and support her children independently. She will need daycare services, so she can still continue to attend school, and earn her high school diploma. The social worker from the Welfare department reported that Claireese needs counseling to address experiences that were traumatic to her life. She will need extensive counseling. She needs to learn how to manage and care for her well being since she is already overweight and possible future health issues she will encounter in the future because of her diagnosis of HIV. Claireese has also experience episodes of blanking out and daydreaming. D. Description and Functioning of Client Claireese is considered overweight for her age. Her clothes are clean and she is always wearing cosmetic jewelry to match her outfits. She has her hair done and wears it differently. She can be verbal and nonverbal when talking to her at times. Client seems to be daydreaming when we discussed certain events in her life. She uses a lot of inappropriate language to describe how she feels. E. Physical and economic environment Claireese lives in a halfway house with her two children in Harlem, New York located in Manhattan. She receives a stipend while she attends school. She is also on welfare where she receives cash assistance and food stamps. She attends, Each One Teach One, Alternative school, Monday through Friday, in the day time. F. Current Social Functioning (as reported by parents/caregivers or child/teen or obtained from written reports) Claireese is estranged from her mother due to her abusive behavior towards her and her children. She has not seen her father since he last raped her, which is before she was pregnant. She knows that her grandmother would like to help her but is aware that she is also afraid of Mary. Client’s daughter, Mango, lived with great grandmother so client can attend school. Mary blames Claireese for being raped by her father and even accuses Claireese of stealing Marys boyfriend. Mary told her she is fat because she eats too much. Her mother never encourage her to attend school and told her it was a waste of time. Her mother is always telling Claireese, she is too stupid to learn anything. Claireese reported she never had a boyfriend but wish that she can have one in the future even though she feels she is too ugly and fat. She had two pregnancies that occur from her being raped by her father. Claireese is a currently attending Each one, Teach One, alternative school, pursuing her High school Diploma so she can teach her children something. The client’s teacher, Ms. Rain, motivated Claireese to want read and write by encouraging her to do her best. She was surprised by her success in her ability to read and that she was actually beginning to write. Her sense of personal competence is in development; she states that she did not think that she was very smart, but that her class work and successes are changing that opinion of herself. She is grateful for having John, Ms. Rain, her friends for their support and encouragement. She never thought that there would people who would really care for her. The client’s primary social supports are her peers and her teacher in the school. G. Personal and family history relevant to focus of assessment Claireese was sexually abuse since the age of three by her biological father, which produced two children. She has also been mentally and physically abuse by her mother. There is also a possibility of sexual abuse by her mother. Claireese just recently learned that she contracted the HIV disease from her father who recently died of the disease. Claireese grandmother took cared of Mongo, so Claireese can go to school and Mary can still collect welfare based on fraud. Claireese has always depended on her mother up to now, even though moms have lived off of Claireese’s welfare check. ASSESSMENT Psychological functioning Intellectual functioning- Client was not able to read or write but express interest in Math. Since attending the alternative school, client has been able to improve her reading and writing skills. Reality testing- Poor, client seems to suffer from delusions. Whenever the client is dealing with stressful experiences, she is not listening and seems to be out of tune at the moment. She explains that she daydreams and imagines that she is someone else living a different lifestyle. She is not aware what is happening to her at the time of incident. She also images that the pictures in her photo album talks to her. Coherence – Unimpaired, despite the client having delusions and has an imagination she can maintain on task whenever she is not dealing with stressful events. Impulse control-Good, Client tries to control her behavior by not getting herself in any more trouble than she has to. She has gotten herself transfer from her old school not only because of her being pregnant again because she threaten the principal. Judgment- Good; client have been able to make good judgments. She continues to go to school, so she can teach her children and earn her diploma. Memory/recall- Poor: she can recall some but not all information that pertains to her traumatic experiences and whenever she addresses those experiences she goes into her fantasies. Coping style- Poor; Client has never been able to deal with her traumatic experiences in a healthy way, even though she uses her imagination to forget what happened. Defense mechanisms: Poor: Client daydreams and uses her imagination as a way to cope with stressful experiences. Insight- Poor; Client has no idea how her traumatic experiences contributes to her mental issues. Self-Perception-Fair; client has the confidence that she needs to complete school and even with her illness she is confident she can still provide for her children. Emotional Functioning Ability to express feelings- Good, she is able to express how she feels. Rage of emotions-unimpaired: Client can express herself if she is more open to talking about how she feels. Once she sees that people care for her she can discuss how she is feeling. Appropriate of affects-Impaired; Client seems to avoid talking about specific events, she will change the topic so the focus is not on her. This may be the client way of denying what happen. Predominant mood- Poor; Client is depress and sad. Social/behavior functioning 1. Ability to form relationships – Unimpaired; client demonstrates an ability to form relationships as evidenced by her ability to develop friendships with peers in her school. She also developed a friendship with one of the male nurses at the hospital. 2. Social skills/social competence – Poor; client demonstrates a lack of social skills. 3. Overall role performance – Improving; client’s role as mother is improving, she is now taking care of both her children and continues to attend school. Her role as a student is great; she continues to improve her grade level reading. She went from reading at a second grade level to an eighth grade level. 4. Other functional behaviors, if appropriate – Good; client has developed relationships through her school. Client has no other friends other than school. D. Environmental issues and constraints affecting the situation. 1. Family – Poor; family is not supportive; mother is emotionally unstable and abusive towards Claireese. Her grandmother is too afraid of Mary, so she would not be able to assist Claireese. 2. Agency – Great; this agency is able to provide significant support in providing necessary services that Claireese needs. She has the availability of a daycare, so she can continue her education. She will receive housing assistance, so she can transition from the halfway house into her own place. 3. Community – Moderate; client’s neighborhood provides affordable housing and it is near public transportation and the school that she attends. 5. Physical Constraints, if appropriate – Poor; client recently discovered she is HIV positive and future health concerns associated with the illness will become a problem for her. 6. Economic Constraints, if appropriate – Fair; client has limited income from TANF and food stamps and she is currently living in a half way house. E. Motivation and commitment to services Claireese is very motivated in continuing her education. She wants to get her High School diploma. She wants to be able to learn how to read and write. She feels that if she continues to learns how to read and write, she can teach her children. Despite the fact that she has HIV, she clearly feels she still can be successful and do for her children, what her mother didnt do for her. She wants to prove to her mother that she is wrong. Her motivation is influence by her wanting a better future for her children. F. workers understanding of clients presenting situation/problem (person-in-environment) Client seems to be experiencing symptoms of Dissociative Identity Disorder. These symptoms include flashback, amnesia and emotional numbness. When dealing with stress, client escapes reality by daydreaming. She may have developed this disorder due to her traumatic experiences, starting with her being raped by her father. Whenever the client experience stressful events, she has fantasies about her being famous and being someone else, she even sees herself as a white blond girl. Client has no control over her daydreaming. She seems to not remember how she was first raped. Psychoanalytic theory help explains that client’s problems can be associated with painful childhood experiences that can sometimes be repressed. These repressed memories can shape the clients feelings, thoughts and behavior. These repress memories can be seen as defense mechanism (Robbins, Chatterjee, Canda, 2012). The client uses her fantasies as a way of ignoring what is happening at the present time, which is not healthy as the client condition can worsen and create maladaptive behaviors. Client repressing these traumatic experiences may explain how the client coped with these experiences. It is important to look at Erickson’s stage theory because it recognizes the importance of a person’s social location and the interaction between other individuals rather than just the family system. (Berzoff et al., 2011). Since, the client family system is not the strongest support system, the school staff and students are important people that provides positive feedback to the client. This will help the client learn to establish positive future relationships. Strengths Perspective is an approach to understanding the client in terms of her strengths, abilities, motivations, knowledge and available resources. (Guo Tsui, 2010) These qualities help the client the ability to solve their problems. This also can give you an idea how the client, who experienced many events in her life, overcame these obstacles and continues to attend school. (Robbins et al., 2012) They also talk about the courage an individual may have. She had the courage to confront her mother and finally leave the house in order to protect her children. Strengths Perspective focuses on the social environment as having many resources that can help individuals overcome obstacles. People have the ability to learn, grow and change. Client has the abilities to continue to grow so she can provide for her children. References Berzoff, J., Flanagan, L. M., Hertz, P. (2011). Inside Out And Outside In (3rd ed.). Maryland: Rowman Littlefield. Robbins, S., Chatterjee, P., Canda, E. (2012). Contemporary Human Behavior Theory (3rd ed.). Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Guo, W., Tsui, M. (2010). From resilience to resistance: A reconstruction of the strengths perspective in social work practice. International Social Work, 53(2) , 233-245.

Case Study Of The Three Gorges Dam

Case Study Of The Three Gorges Dam The following case study on the Three Gorges Dam illustrates the pros and cons of concrete gravity dam construction and is an excellent complement to the material discussed in the technical paper. Chinas Three Gorges Dam (TGD) is the largest power generating plant in the world. The TGD is a hydroelectric concrete gravity dam that spans the Yangtze River, in Hubei province.5 It is located in the Xilingxia gorge which is one of the three gorges of this river.5 Costing a total of over 30 billion US dollars 6, the TGD project was put in place for several reasons including flood protection, energy production, increased navigability throughout the Yangtze River and access to fresh water for the citizens. 3 The construction of this dam is having a major impact on Chinas national economy, and its performance is critical to the large population living in Three Gorges region. 3 Upon its completion, the dam will measure 2.6 kilometres in length, 186 meters in height and it will form a 645 kilometre long reservoir in the midsection of the Yangtze. 3 The dam is designed to generate an output of 17680MW which includes 26 generators at 680 MW per unit. 3 The following figure shows the exact location of Three Gorges dam. Figure 3: Map of the Three Gorges Dam In terms of construction, the dam will be composed of 32 primary generators which will allow the dam to reach its maximum power output capacity. 26 generators are found on the dam itself while the remaining are built below a neighbouring mountain.6. Furthermore, a ship lift capable of vertically transporting ships (weighing as much as 3000 tons) from one water level to another will be built on the north side of the Three Gorges Dam.6. Other than the ship lift, a series of locks have been installed designed for boats weighing up to 10 000 tons; approximately four hours are needed for transit of these vessels. 6. The ship lifts and locks constructed as part of the TGD are very beneficial aspects as they promote increased navigability throughout the Yangtze River. By transporting more freight on the river, a reduction in emissions caused by the trucking industry is predicted,6 which is beneficial to the environment. The following table shows a summary of several specifications of the da m: Table 3: TGD Physical Summary ( Location Dam Site Sandouping, Hubei Province, China Dam Crest 185 meters Dam Length 2,000 meters Reservoir Specifications Normal Pool Level 175 meters Flood Control Level 145 meters Total Storage Capacity 39.3 billion cubic meters Flood Control Storage 22.1 billion cubic meters Power Generation Installed Capacity 17,680 MW Unit Capacity 26 units, 680 MW/unit Inundation Land 632 km-long, 19 cities, 326 towns Arable Land 30,000 hectares Population 1,980,000 people As mentioned previously, prevention or mitigation of the effects of floods is one of the primary reasons for the construction of the Three Gorges Dam since Chinese records show that about one major flood per decade occurs in the area, some killing over 300 000 people. 3 The TGD which has a total of 22 billion cubic meters of capacity destined to flood control will allow China to control some major floods which also have a great impact on the economy.3 Energy production is also a major benefit involved in the construction of the dam. In fact, with its output of 18 million KW, the TGD is worlds most powerful plant. It was found that the TGD would produce a total of nearly 10% of the available energy in China.3 A third reason for the construction of the dam would be for consistent access to fresh water for consumption or agricultural use. In fact, it is known that the Yangtze Rivers water level fluctuates significantly which could affect the amount of water available for use; the TGD wi ll be able to supply this water consistently, mitigating the effects of these fluctuations in the water level of the river. 3. Finally, increased navigability in the river is another benefit related to the construction of this dam. The Three Gorges Dam allows for a direct access from the Pacific Ocean into mainland China, which in turn promotes increased trade in the cities; in the end, increased navigability will create new job, new markets will emerge, and there will be a better economic vitality in general.3 It is clear that there are significant benefits to the construction of this dam, as it will not only have a positive impact on the Chinese economy, but it will also increase the quality of life of Chinese citizens and contribute to human development. Unfortunately, some argue that the environmental and social price to be paid with respect to the construction of the Three Gorges dam outweighs its benefits to society. In fact, the environmental impacts including effects on biodiversity, emissions, erosion and sedimentation as well as waste, and the social effect of relocation of millions of citizens causes great harm to the Chinese population. The following information on the environmental and social effects of the construction of the Three Gorges Dam is written with the help from a report from Samuel Robert Fishleigh Allin which will be listed in the references used for this technical paper. Environmental effects The construction of dams definitely has a detrimental impact on the environment. Some of the impacts involved are greenhouse gas emission, loss of aquatic biodiversity, loss of water quality, loss of wildlife, and creation of wetlands. The construction of the dam negatively alters the composition of the water in the Yangtze River, already one of the most polluted rivers in the world due mainly to coal shipping. First, the dust resulting from the construction itself will enter and pollute the water. It is found that the oxygen levels as well as the temperature of the water, which affects fish downstream, are also altered upon the dams completion. Furthermore, greenhouse gases are released from the breakdown of vegetation and silt, which lowers the surrounding air quality. Also, a silt build-up in the river could possibly affect the reservoirs of the dams increasing the possibility of floods, upstream from the dam. The flow of silt throughout the river is very crucial to aquatic wildli fe; without it in proper quantities, the organisms can be deprived of a sufficient quantity of nutrients. Moreover, the Three Gorges Dam affects the stream flow of the River and this disrupts the aquatic ecosystems which are very dependent on the timing of the water level fluctuations. Finally, one more aspect that is more related to the health and safety of the population is the fact that the TGD was built near a fault line and the magnitude and force that this dam exerts on the ground can increase the chances that an earthquake occurs. Social effects It is important to account for the different negative social impacts before launching the construction of a large dam. The most significant social implication related to the Three Gorges Dam is the fact that over one million people living near the reservoir area had to be relocated, many already living in severe poverty, while the compensation for relocation was often inadequate. Water from the Three Gorges Dam is expected to flood 13 cities and over 100 000 acres of farmland which really disturbs the people`s everyday life as it results in loss of jobs and well being. Some of the difficulties involved in the resettlement process include medical services, schools, drinking water and food as well as electricity. Also, another social impact is the fact that some of the archaeological sites near the dam including historical artefacts will become inaccessible due to the construction of the dam. On the other hand, one social benefit of the TGD is flood control provided by the dam will sav e people from disasters in the future as the frequency of a major flood is expected to be at 1 in 100 years frequency. To end the section on social impacts a figure of the scope of the resettlement area caused by the construction of the TGD is shown: In conclusion, although the construction of the Three Gorges Dam is great for the development of the Yangtze River, contributes to the Chinese economy, and presents benefits such as flood control, energy production, increased navigability and access to fresh water, it is clear that the negative social and environmental price to pay to sustain these benefits is a major cause of concern for the future.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Metamorphosis A Movie :: essays research papers

Metamorphosis, written by Franz Kafka, is a story that deals with the transformation of a human being, Gregor Samsa, into a giant bug. Whether this transformation is a literal transformation, or a transformation only in the mind of Gregor, is a mystery to the reader. Even if the transformation is the main element in the story, there are other themes that arise from the story. One of those themes could be considered as a moral of the story. That moral of the story could be that some humans, in this case Gregor, try to help others before helping themselves. The moral of the story could be that before trying to help others in their lives, people should first help themselves, otherwise those who help are going to be taken advantage of and at the end they will be left with nothing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gregor is a good example of this moral of the story because he always looking out for his family, and always helping them out. One example of a sacrifice that he makes is when Gregor works in a company where his parents have a very high debt, and Gregor works there in order to pay the debt. In his mind he admits, “If I didn’t hold back for my parents sake, I would have quit long ago'; (4). From this quote it is obvious that while trying to make his parents happy, Gregor has to live a sad live were he is not happy with what he is and what he does for a living. Even in the company he has been able to move up the position ladder at a fast rate, he is not happy. What Gregor looks forward to in the job is the opportunity that “once [he’s] gotten the money together to pay off [his] parents’ debts'; (4) he would quit working at that company for good.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Even if Gregor makes a sacrifice to save his family by paying what they owe, they are not grateful for what he does. As he explains at the beginning they would thank Gregor with warmth for helping the family out. But as time went by “they had just gotten used to it, gotten used to it…the money was received with thanks and given with pleasure, but no special feeling of warmth went with it anymore'; (27). The family no longer saw the sacrifice that he was making, later as they got used to being helped they saw the help he was giving as a duty.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Confucius in the Analects Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Confucius’s counsel and guidance recorded in The Analects instilled wisdom when they were first recorded and continue to provide a thought provoking analysis of life and the checkpoints that guide it. The Master’s commentary on restraint, diligence, decency, and citizenship are well intended and relevant. Politics and the role of government also come under scrutiny as Confucius offers his insights in bettering the organization of power. His proverb-like admonitions use clear examples of everyday life allowing them to be understood and easily digested. Confucius’s own eagerness and willingness to share goodness he experienced makes it easier to apply and practice in one’s own life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the author’s book dealing with virtue he makes an astute observation regarding the need for restraint in speech equally joined with a lack of restraint in action. Confucius relates his good judgment in the following statement: â€Å"The men of old were reserved in speech out of shame lest they should come short in deed.† (Confucius p. 20) Confucius’s declaration seems to stem from possible past experiences with too much talk and too little action. His declarations lead one to believe that the more traditional and conservative ways tend to pilot one to the ideal standard of life. He reemphasized his point when he said, â€Å"The wise man desires to be slow to speak but quick to act.† (Confucius, p. 20)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Along with rest...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Celestial Travel Agency: Marketing Strategy of Philippine Tourism in the United Kingdom

INTRODUCTION The hospitality and tourism industry is one of the most flourishing industries in the world; thus, almost every country relies on the industry. The income that a country gains from the industry is almost half of its gross national product. However, for developed countries, such as the United Kingdom, promoting hospitality and tourism is not a problem since they are already known and well-established worldwide. On the other hand, for developing countries where they mostly rely on the industry for income, such as the Philippines, upholding their hospitality and tourism sector will be hard.A lot of factors have to be considered, for instance, safety and security of the tourists, the cost of the tour, and the significance of the place as tourism nowadays relies on popularity—the more popular the place is, the more tourists it will attract. Thus, the demand for effective marketing strategies and public relations is a necessity. There are Filipino travel agencies in the UK, yet the number of British people who visit the Philippines is still low compared to the other countries in Europe, such as Germany and Netherlands.The main reason for this is the effectiveness of the marketing strategies used by these agencies. It is also noted that most of these travel agencies focus on the Filipinos in the UK as their target market. This research aims to develop marketing strategies for a hospitality and tourism organization by critically evaluating marketing strategies in the hospitality and tourism sector, assessing the role of network and customer relationship marketing strategies for hospitality and tourism organizations, and recommending marketing and customer loyalty strategies for a hospitality or tourism organization.Also, it aspires to critically evaluate marketing communication strategies for hospitality and tourism organizations through brand strategies, e-marketing, viral marketing, and guerilla marketing. The author chooses Celestial Travel Agenc y, a Filipino travel agency based in Victoria, London. The agency offers travel and tour packages to the United Kingdom and some parts of Europe and the Philippines. Majority of its clients are the Filipinos who are in the United Kingdom.The researcher will investigate the marketing strategies the organization is utilizing, and afterwards, the author will develop a marketing strategy that can be viable for the organization in order to increase market share. METHODOLOGY OF RESEARCH This study is a qualitative research that attempts to discover the best marketing strategies utilized by organizations in the hospitality and tourism industry that will be applicable to the subject of research. It intends to accrue existing data governing the principles of marketing strategies. Thus, secondary research will be exhausted during the course of research.ESSENCE OF MARKETING Marketing (Armstrong, et. al) is â€Å"managing profitable customer relationships. † It has two main goals which a re to attract potential customers by guaranteeing them superior quality of service and products and keeping the current customers and making them loyal to the organization by giving them satisfaction. The sole purpose of marketing is to deal with customers; however, it is not the simplest function in the business world as it involves a lot of activities from product development, production, and distribution to branding, selling, and advertising.Hospitality and tourism organization has to understand that nowadays, marketing is not just about simply telling and selling of goods, but it is about satisfying customer needs as well. The marketing department of an organization is the busiest and in fact carries the heaviest load of promoting the products. Whatever the profit that the organization makes is reflected on the activities done by the marketing department. Figure 1. A simple model of the marketing process. When doing marketing, one must have to consider that most consumers are: ? More concern to the prices of a product or a service Gives less interests to marketing messages ?From the average segment of the society Given this situation, a marketing manager has to bear in mind the substantial four P’s of marketing strategy: ? Product – making the appropriate product or a service for chosen target market. Research and analysis has to be done to determine the wants and the needs of the market and that the product to be created should fulfill these specifications. ?Place – the place to market the product has to be properly regarded especially during the process of transporting and distributing the goods and services. Promotion – this division relates to public relations, advertising, and other activities that are conducted to influence the behavior of the consumers toward the product being marketed. ?Price – the product has to be logically priced and that the pricing strategy the organization will use must have a long-term effe ct; thus, several factors are considered whenever pricing a product or a service. The four P’s mentioned are the essentials of marketing, making them the basic things to consider before starting the process of product conceptualization to distribution in the market.When an organization will be able to carry out the following aspects of marketing properly, the profit margin will undoubtedly increase. CELESTIAL TRAVEL AGENCY AND THE FILIPINOS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM The Filipinos are known around the world in the fields of nursing and health care, hospitality and tourism, and Information and Technology and engineering. Out of the 94 million Filipino population, about 8. 7 to 11 million are working, living, or studying overseas, mostly in the Americas, Middle East and Europe. In 2009, about 250,000 Filipinos are working and studying in the United Kingdom alone.The population of Filipinos in the UK is considered to be a big market for Filipino travel agencies operating in the Unite d Kingdom. Since Filipinos are known to love travelling and always want to visit their homeland whenever they are abroad, Filipino travel agencies will not run out of business even if they are just catering to their fellowmen who are living overseas. However, these travel agencies can widen their market share when they try to deviate from the traditional operations of just servicing their fellowmen. The United Kingdom is a very big market for the hospitality and tourism industry.In as much as there are a lot of tourists coming to the UK, there are also a lot of British people who leave the UK to go on holidays in different destinations around the world, and most of them go to tropical countries to avert from the cold climate of the UK. The British people are known to often go on holidays once or twice a year, may they be students, families, or stressed workers. Thus, promoting travel and tour services to the Philippines to the British people market and possibly the European market w ill be a big accomplishment for the organization.To market the Philippines as a holiday destination in Southeast Asia to the international arena is a difficult task because of its palpable competitors, such as Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia, which are mostly visited by international tourists mainly coming from Europe and the Americas. Also, the location of the Philippines is not strategic so as to attract more tourists, especially those who have already gone to its neighbouring countries. Moreover, since the Philippines is a group of more than 7,000 islands, to tour it alone takes a lot of time.One must have to travel either by plane or vessel, and bus when on the main island. When people from overseas talk of the Southeast Asian Region, the countries that the people first think of are Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia. These four countries are always featured and advertised in newspapers, magazines, on television and a lot more. Thus, considering the number o f Filipino travel agencies in the UK, which is about twenty-five, the number of UK tourists in the Philippine should have increased in the past years. The presence of these agencies would have been a big influence in boosting the Philippine tourism.One of these travel agencies is Celestial Travel and Tours Limited which is the subject of this research. Celestial Travel and Tours Limited is a travel and tours agency that caters mostly to the Filipino people living in the United Kingdom. The products that the organization offers are travel and tour packages to major Philippine destinations and within the United Kingdom and its neighboring countries, such as France, Germany, Netherlands, and Spain, and consultations involving travels in the Far East and world-wide destinations.The organization was established in April 2002 by four professional Filipino women who had extensive knowledge and experience in hospitality and tourism management. The organization’s mission is to provide travel needs and services to the Filipino people. However, most of its services are just travel packages. It is because of the factor that they cater only to the Filipinos in the UK. Tour packages for destinations in the Philippines are seldom being bought, but the packages for places in Europe, for instance Barcelona, Lile, Paris, Amsterdam, and Brussels, are often sold out.Celestial travel agency is the most respected agency among all Filipino travel agencies in the UK. It has a very strong presence in Greater London. It has a very strong network within the Filipino community in UK and some parts of Europe. In an interview with one of the managers, she mentioned that the organization was doing well during the past years. Travel services, especially plane tickets, and UK and Europe tour packages were hitting very good market figures. When asked on the tour packages in the Philippines, she said that the packages were rarely purchased.The reason being is the organization’s ta rget market which is mainly the Filipino community who would rather go to Europe than visiting the prime Philippine tourist destinations. Celestial travel agency has a very good potential of increasing its market share without totally expanding the business. Expansion will definitely come in the future. Since its inception, the organization still remains to be a small-time business with just a little increase of its market share yearly.Since the organization has already established its status in the market as a trusted agency for travel and tours in the UK and Europe, the organization has to focus on improving its sales on the travel and tour packages in the Philippines. The UK is a big market for outbound tourists, and therefore, Celestial Travel Agency just needs the appropriate marketing strategies and public relations to promote the Philippines as a tourist destination to the UK market. ?Brand Identity and Strategy Brand identity is the key to building a name in the business wor ld.Nowadays, consumers rely so much on brand names rather than the products. Companies struggle so much when introducing their products to the market, and those who are able to maintain the quality of their products and services for a long period of time can keep up to the market competition, even so making the competition less competitive for them as they are already well-established. Creating a consistent identity is a very challenging task for marketing since it will carry the totality of the company in the business world. The brand identity bears the ideas, the products and services, and the values of the company.A coherent and well-thought brand identity can be a big tool for advertising creating loyalty from clients for repeat business. Celestial Travel Agency has established its brand identity among the Filipino community in the UK making it a well respected establishment. The organization has to establish its brand identity in the UK market in general, not just the Filipino. It must attain a well-trusted level status to be able to promote its products and services in its new market. Furthermore, it has to maintain the good rapport with the Filipino community, thus, satisfying their needs is essential, and proper marketing can be used to do this.The organization has to bear in mind that to create their big web/network, they will need the first market to do this. ?Network and Relationship Marketing A company’s relationship with its customers is vital. However, how can an organization develop relationship with its customers and soon built a network from them? As most marketers say, â€Å"Relate first, market second. † Marketers always have to make the best impression about them and their products and services and be able to build rapport between them and their customers.Personal interaction is the first step to doing network and relationship marketing, and moving the customers to higher level of loyalty is its main purpose. Doing this strate gy, one must have a thorough knowledge and understanding of the customer’s needs and individuality. As Smith (2011) says, â€Å"Think of relationship marketing as a term with the following overarching definition: those efforts that will make your prospective customers aware of your products and services, position your business in their minds as the obvious choice, and help you build lifelong profitable relationships with them. This marketing strategy is the most effective way to build a big network of customers. However, this strategy is sometimes misused by a lot of marketers especially when they do relationship marketing. Relationship marketing requires the marketers to be honest since he or she might spoil the relationship that was built in the first meeting. Marketers have to bear in mind to always practice responsible relationship marketing. Network and relationship marketing is mostly used by small time businesses as a way to introduce their products to the market, esp ecially to the immediate community they are linked to.It is a great strategy to communications development that makes relationship marketing become the tool to widened network. Celestial Travel Agency utilized this strategy when it started in 2002. Through confidence and honesty, the managers began introducing their services to the Filipinos they know and the ones they met mostly during gatherings. The relationship they were able to build with a number of people started to make a big network of clients. However, they still need to improve on this strategy as it will lead to them to a more stable and successful business.Furthermore, the strategy will enable them to develop a new market, the UK market, for their tour packages to the Philippines. Through proper use of communications technology, the organization can easily rebuild the network they have established to an even wider and bigger network. The organization has to deviate from the traditional way of engaging people to relation ships in order to build business contact with them. The current network of the organization is a great strength to building the opportunity of making it a wider network to market the organization products and services.Going personal contact with people (offline) and communicating through means of Internet (online) makes relationship marketing a broader strategy to make use of. Also, it is beneficial to use the social networking marketing hype. Social networking are extremely valuable to marketers since they do not need to personally talk to these people one by one, but thousands of people can read your adverts or messages on these sites in just a click away. The good thing about these social networking sites is that they are people-focused and other people’s network can also be another person’s network.Thus, doing relationship marketing through these sites is undeniably useful and can give a great amount of returns. ?Strategic Customer Relations Optimizing customer sat isfaction and developing Customer Relationship Management is one of the most challenging tasks that businesses face nowadays. Many organization invest on improves customer service to be able to stabilize customer satisfaction. In order to establish excellent customer service, an organization must essentially develop a customer relationship focused culture.In this practice, the employees who always deal with customers must always be updated on the modernize ways to improving customer service skills. Celestial Travel Agency does not regularly updates its staff or let them undertake trainings in relation to customer service. Thus, there are times that they lose some of their customers, even the valued ones. Constant monitoring of the employees’ performance is a must so as not to jeopardize the well established system and customer relations. Communicating with the customer in an efficient way will result to repeat business.It is to be noted that the products and services offered by the organization is harder to market as it is intangible compared to food and other things that satisfy the basic needs of human beings. ?There are ways to improve customer relations through the following: ? Providing training in key areas that are important in rendering excellent personal service ? Reinforce the skills and abilities the employees have through continuous coaching and feedback ? Measure current performance levels ?Recognition through rewards, may it be monetary and non-monetary, to motivate the employees further to excel ?Establishing effective service delivery processes ?E-marketing Marketers will find e-marketing an easy way to advertise their products without having to spend money that much. Marketers can advertise online for free through blogs, social networks, forums, and even free websites. In addition, the mass market online is enormous and e-marketing will allow marketers to make a personalized type of marketing that gives much focus to their products and services. E-marketing has a lot of benefits to give to an organization which includes the following: ? Openness ?Global Contact ?Minimal Cost Traceable and Measurable Results ?Personalisation ?Social Currency ?Improved Conversion Rates Celestial Travel Agency has its own website; however, it is not being updates every now and then. Thus, information on any recent activities or packages that the organization offers to the public cannot be easily accessible. This is mainly because keeping up the website cost money which the organization cannot afford to shell out since the website needs updates and maintenance every time. Keeping an IT personnel for the company that only works twice a week is very much impractical.Besides, the rate for IT staff in the United Kingdom is way too expensive. However, the organization has to bear in mind that keeping the website is a way to reach to the global market, not just the UK market. The company’s valued clients who live outside the UK basic ally will try to reach the company through the website and customers often purchase products online especially tour packages and travels. Also, on the Internet, there are a lot of activities done by its users, who can be travelers, and they often check out forums.There are forums and blogs built for specific topics, such as tourism, food, and a lot more. On these forums and blogs, related links and links are often circulated to its users and updated websites are mostly posted here. In addition, the influence of social networking sites is prominent to Internet users. Any future activities or tours that the organization plans to do can just be posted on these social networking sites and will soon be shared by a lot of users. The circulation of the information is way too fast that feedbacks can be expected straight away.Information dissemination through social networks is very much fast and quick. Yet, the information has to be check and should always be on the new or recent posts, els e, superfluous posts will overshadow the post intended to be marketed. The organization must always update its websites and posts and encourage their valued user to give testimonials as these will help the company gain more customers online. The strength of e-marketing is strong and opportunities are endless, but the organization must take extra care doing e-marketing as fraud cases are soaring. Guerilla Marketing Levinson, et. al (2007) stated that â€Å"Guerilla Marketing simplifies the complexities and explains how entrepreneurs can use marketing to generate maximum profits from minimum investments. † Guerilla marketing has deviated from the traditional style of marketing where money or investments play an important role to make marketing effective. The guerilla approach is very much suitable to Celestial Travel Agency since the organization is a small business and guerilla marketing is an economical way of marketing products and services.Through this approach, the organiz ation can develop different techniques of promoting its services. Undoubtedly, the guerilla approach is already â€Å"tried and tested† to be very much efficient. However, the strategy requires the marketers to do research and make a campaign plan that is unconventional. Nowadays, marketing adverts and messages has to be humorous and extraordinary to be noticed by people. In as much as it is inexpensive, the guerilla approach takes time to materialize. Unlike the traditional way of marketing where money is a big factor, so results can be seen after a short span of time.Conceptualization takes a lot of time while the implementation process challenging since several methods might be used to test the efficiency of the ideas. Since guerilla marketing is very much unconventional, it does not limit the marketers to a number of ways of doing the marketing yet it requires a high level of energy and dedication. ?Viral Marketing Coined from the word ‘virus,’ viral marketin g strategy makes a great influence in the market, just like a virus, when done properly. Creating impact is the important element of this marketing strategy.Viral marketing is a challenging strategy since an excellent idea is needed to make the advertisement stand out among all other commercials. This strategy is extremely effective and simple but making it work is the difficult task. The first step is to make a buzz. There are many ways to do this and the most effective way is to go on television. It is not making another big advertisement to air on TV, but news, such as media coverage. The good thing about media coverage is it hits the local community straight away and then national level.Furthermore, about seventy percent of the population watch news. Also, news reaches even the people who live in distant areas from the capital. Another way of creating a buzz is going online, through social networking sites. The strategy employed the concept of using the social networks of other people so that they can propagate and expose their products and services. People can easily get influenced from what their peers tell them, and on networking sites, there are millions people; thus, it is easy to make a viral effect on these sites.Celestial Travel Agency will find it difficult to do this marketing strategy. Most of the successful viral marketing advertisements are about the food sector. Nonetheless, the organization can still utilize this strategy in promoting their services, yet minimal results must be expected. Since the agency wants to develop their UK market, not focusing on the UK Filipino community, to market its package tours to the Philippines, the organization can take advantage of the current tourist news about the country.For instance, the result of the new Seven Wonder of Nature can be turned into hype among all the tourists, especially the adventure-seekers travelers of UK. The new seven wonders is big news in the tourism industry; therefore, travelers w ill be eager to discover these places. Moreover, there are also tourist spots in the Philippines that are featured on the news which the organization to battle the tight competition of the tourism industry. British tourists will then know that there are wonderful places to see in the Philippines.Also, travelling around the country is very cheap compared to other South East Asian countries. ?CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION The Philippines has a lot to offer to the world, not just to the UK tourist market, which is the prospect market of the organization for market development. Through the unconventional marketing strategies, such as viral marketing and guerilla marketing, Celestial Travel Agency will not find it difficult to market the Philippines to the UK market. Understanding the wants of the UK market when it comes to going on holidays, the places they choose to go to.The British people are fond of adventure or outdoor activities and love going to the beaches, and since the Philipp ines is a tropical country that offers not only beautiful beaches but extreme outdoor activities too, such as mountaineering, scuba diving, spelunking, etc. , it can become a prime tropical tourist destination. The organization can take advantage of the news features regarding the tourist spots of the Philippines and make it viral. Using news, such as â€Å"Top 20 beaches,† â€Å"Seven Wonders of Nature,† and the other tourist destination rankings, the organization can utilize this and use the guerilla approach to making a â€Å"craze† over it.The organization can do a buzz using blogs, forums, and social networking sites. It can even use upload a marketing ad on Youtube and post it on the different social networking sites. The research understands that the organization has very minimal budget for marketing, thus, e-marketing, guerilla marketing, and viral marketing strategies will be very effective to achieving its desired goals of developing the British market as key tourists to the Philippines.

The Bonsai

Bonsai all(prenominal) that I turn in I fold over erst And once over again And keep in a box Or a slit in a empty post Or in my shoe. All that I jazz? Why, yes, but for the split turn And for all time, both. Something that folds and keeps easy, give-and-takes cross off or tonics single gaudy tie, A roto picture of a young queen, A blue Indian shawl, flat A bills broadside. Its utter sublimation A feat, this core groups control Moment to hour To get over all love d profess To a cupped affords surface, Till seashells be broken pieces From immortals own bright teeth. And life and love ar objective Things you pile run and non-living hand overTo the merest child. Edith L. Tiempo * * * A basic rendition of Edith L. Tiempos signature give-and-takeg is a tad confounding, for the first lady of Filipino poesy in slope deploys the centripetal-centrifugal-centripetal (or inward- bulge outward-inward) communicate in expressing her profoundest thoughts and deepest feelings about love. The epithet itself, Bonsai, is a pungency misleading, since now here else in the poem ar there any hike references to plant life or the antediluvian Japanese technique of cultivating plaything channelizes or shrubs through dwarfing by selective pruning.Some cogency til now argue that Origami is the better title choice, for at least the per boyas act of folding objects is a bit analogous to the Japanese art of study folding to take hold complicated shapes. nonwithstanding this ref will prove at the end of this essay that Bonsai is the close to give up title for the poem, whateverthing that is non quite frank to most people after their perfunctory appraisal of this often misread literary masterpiece. However, despite the false lead, even a cursory perusal of the poem reveals to the excellent and sensible reader that Bonsai is about love, if to a great extent(prenominal)over because the quatern-letter word is menti atomic number 53d in all four stanzas.In the first stanza, the persona declargons that she folds everything that she loves and keeps them hidden in secret places a box,/ Or a slit in a drudge post,/ Or in my shoe. // What then be the things she considers imperative enough to keep? At first glance, the catalogue of her earnest objects in the sec stanza appears to be disparate, unre noveld, almost random, if non completely aleatory. alone since a literary sorceress alike Tiempo seldom commits mistakes in conjury appropriate images, then there must(prenominal) a be reason for singling out these particular items and not early(a)s.The more all important(predicate) query therefore is this What do Sons note or Dads one gaudy tie,/ A rotoi picture of a young queen,/ A blue Indian shawl, even/ A money bill. // sh argon in vulgar? Besides cosmos foldable and gum olibanum easy to keep, they must symbolize for the lovely young-bearing(prenominal) persona important individuals and incidents in her life . For as the semiotician Roland Barthes correctly observes in A Lovers cover Every object touched by the loved beings dead body becomes part of that body, and the subject eagerly attaches himself to it. ii If we are to assume that the speaking voice of Bonsai tight resembles the poets own, then the first iii objects must represent members of her immediate family son Maldon husband Edilberto (It is a well-known position among writing fellows and panelists of the Silliman Writers Workshop that Edith fondly called the late fictionist and literary critic Dad, small-arm being addressed by her husband as Mom, which is a common practice among Filipino couples. and daughter Rowena (Unknown to many, the current Program executive director of the Iowa Writers Workshop is a former superior of the Miss Negros Oriental beauty rivalry sometime in the 1970s, another exponent of the Filipino flavor of the poem, since the Philippines is a pageant-obsessed trine World country. ). The refere nts of the stand up two items are more covert and thereby more difficult to decipher. At best, we can merely speculate on the persons and/or events that make the two things significant blue Indian shawl (Ediths engagement date with Edilberto, her first winter in Iowa, her last megabucksslope in Denver? money bill (Her initial salary from Silliman University, cash intrude from the Don Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for Literature? ). In the long run though the indeterminateness of the allusions does not existently matter, for the opaqueness of the symbols leads not to generic obscurity and obfuscation, but to individualised mythology and mystery. Perhaps part of the poems message is that the things a person considers unforgettable and therefore valuable most other people might think of as debris, detritus or dirt. Note that the adverb even modifying money bill is used to picture something unexpected or unusual, which in the mise en scene of the poem seems to suggest that a money bill is not a schematic object to collect and treasure even by the most artificial of persons. ) assist it to say that all five objects, which are outwardly ordinary and nondescript, acquire associative significations because they serve for the poetical persona as conduits of recall, like mementoes, souvenirs and keepsakes.Interestingly, the second stanza commences with what appears to be a rhetorical question (All that I love? ), which the persona manages with a problem Why, yes, but for the moment / And for all time, both. The significance of these seemingly self- contradictory lines will be discussed towards the end of this essay, but for now this reader will focus on the point that the persona pauses to contemplate on the relevant issue of the scope of her love, before she production to enumerate her loved ones memorabilia that she has decided to vouchsafe.Love for the female persona therefore is a certified choice, a cognitive act not only an affective one, a stem that recurs in various degrees in most of her other love poems. In the ternary stanza, the persona explains the rationale behind her implement Its utter sublimation A feat, this hearts control Moment to moment To scale all love muckle To a cupped hands size, The keyword here is sublimation, which in psychology is the deflection of intimate energy or other throwback(prenominal) biological impulse from its immediate remnant to one of a higher social, moralistic or aesthetic nature or use.In chemistry, on the other hand, sublimation is the affect of transforming a solid substance by enkindle into a vapor, which on cooling condenses again to solid form without apparent liquefaction. subjective in both definitions is the act of tad and purification through fire, since to sublimate in a common sense is to make something high-flown out of something sordid. In the latter a literal fire dissolves through a crucible the dross from the precious metal, while in the former it i s furnace of the mind that ruin away the superfluous from the crucial experiences.The second most important opinion in this stanza is the procedure of scaling love down, which Tiempo asserts is a feat by itself, an exceptional attainment of the female personas sentimental heart which is achieved through utmost athletic field and restraint. But aside from mere manageability, why is it required to miniaturize love, to whittle it down to the size of a cupped hand? The answer to this pertinent question is given, albeit in a tangential fashion, in the fourth and last stanza And life and love are real/ Things you can run and/ Breathless hand over/ To the merest child. Love as real things or concrete objects rather than as abstract concepts is easier to pass on, since it has become more tangible and thus more intelligible to most everyone else, including children and ones beloved offspring. It also underscores the importance of bequeathing the legacy of love to the next generation, s ince as the cliche goes children are the future of the world, which makes the merest child, and not the wisest woman nor the strongest man, the elevated recipient of such a tremendous gift.The image of the cupped hand also emphasizes the idea that in the act of giving the one offering the bequest is also a beggar of sorts, since the beneficiary can eternally refuse to accept the heirlooms being proffered. But another important element is introduced in the ultimate stanza, for the persona by some extraordinary leap of the imagination perceives the seashells on the beach as broken pieces/ From Gods own bright teeth, which for a better understanding of Bonsai must be elaborated on, so that readers of Philippine poetry from English can fully calculate the tight structural organization of the poem.Gemino H. Abad in his remarkable essay Mapping Our poetic Terrain Filipino Poetry in English from 1905 to the Presentiiiconnects this image to the paradoxical lines of the second stanza for the moment / And for all time, both. This reader cannot attend to but agree, since indeed the five objects mentioned by the persona being mementoes of the people she loves are metonyms of memory, shattered but shimmering fragments of chronology, captured important moments immortalized in the heart and mind, if we are to visualize clock itself as a manifestation of God.Of greater consequence, thought, is that this divine figure completes Tiempos poetic picture about love and recall by adding the spiritual detail, for love like the unmentionable Hebrew name of the all-powerful is also a Tetragrammaton, a four-letter word, which has credibly engendered the often-quoted adage that God is Love, and Love is God. structurally speaking, her most famous poem can thus be diagrammed in this demeanor TREE/SHRUB - bonsai LOVE - sons note, Dads one gaudy tie, etc.GOD seashells spell/WOMAN merest child On the left field side of the chart are the enormous objects, concepts or people ful l-size vegetation (Tree/Shrub), big abstract words (Love, God) and grownups (Man/Woman). Their miniature analogues, in contrast, are found on the right side of the chart. However, these diminutive parallels, oddly the mementoes, retain the spirit of their larger versions, since the process of sublimation reduces things only in terms of size but not in essence.Ultimately, this makes Bonsai the unadulterated title of the poem, for a bonsai has all the necessary parts that make a tree or a shrub what it is roots, a trunk, branches, leaves and flowers, albeit in smaller portions in the same manner that love even if sublimated by the heart and the mind equable preserves its sum and substance, its lifeblood in the truest sense of the written word and the word make flesh.